Legal mentions

Switzerland, headquarter

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Avenue d'Ouchy 4   
1006 Lausanne   
VAT: CHE-114.272.060

Subsidiary Zürich

Dimando Digital    
Schifflände 10   
8001 Zürich   
VAT: CHE-388.609.590


Hardenbergstraße 32   
D 10623 Berlin   
Management: Jörg Heynen und Elias Schegg.

Terms of use


The copyright for all contents of this website is held by Dimando Digital (hereinafter referred to as "Dimando", "we", "us") or a contractual partner thereof, unless indicated otherwise. It is prohibited to use the contents (especially images and graphics) without having obtained our prior consent.


All texts and links have been carefully checked and are continuously updated. We strive to provide accurate and complete information on this website, but we assume no responsibility, guarantees, or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided by this website. Any liability for damages of any kind that may arise in any way in connection with the access, use, or querying of the website or the information contained therein is excluded. We reserve the right to change the information on this website at any time without notice, and we are not obligated to update the information contained. 

All links to external providers were checked for accuracy at the time they were included; however, we are not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be accessed via hyperlinks. Access to and use of such websites are at one's own risk. For illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content and especially for damages arising from the contents of linked pages, only the provider of the page to which the link was made is liable. This applies regardless of whether the damage is direct, indirect, financial, or any other type of damage that could result from data loss, usage outage, or other reasons of any kind.

Severability Clause

Should individual provisions of these terms of use be or become invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected in their content and validity, and the invalid provisions will be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of the invalid provision.

Applicable Law, Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are exclusively governed by Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich.